I have grown up hearing this one question 'What do you want to be?' since I was an infant and I bet this question really gives me goosebumps even today! It has been so intimidating for the child within me that I used to ponder for hours blindly searching in an uncertain future trying to figure out the mystery that it beholds. But lo! The child seldom received any satisfactory answers. Till I reached my 30s, I never knew what I want to be! A quest of over 30 years answered the longing and unleashed the mysteries finally satisfying the longing of my soul. When I was a child, I used to hear people say some good words about a profession or person and I used to think, Oh! being in this profession or being famous like this person makes you important. Maybe one day I will also be like this person working in this profession. And, another day I was thinking the same for some other person being in some other profession. One day I was a singer, the other day an artist, and yet anoth...